Chainsaw Man

"Chainsaw Man" is a manga written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It was serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine from December 2018 to December 2020. The work quickly gained popularity for its unique style, intense narrative, and dark, visceral approach.

The story follows Denji, a young man in debt who works as a demon hunter to pay off his late father's debt. Denji lives a miserable life, but everything changes when his demon dog, Pochita, sacrifices herself to save him. Pochita becomes Denji's heart, transforming him into "Chainsaw Man," a human-demon hybrid with a built-in chainsaw instead of a hand.

Denji joins the Demon Hunting and Public Security Agency to fight demons while simultaneously seeking a better life. As the plot progresses, he faces powerful enemies, uncovers dark secrets, and fights for survival in a world plagued by demonic threats.

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