El Origen de la Festividad de San Valentín: Amor, Leyendas y Tradiciones
La festividad de San Valentín, conocida mundialmente como el día de los enamorados, tiene un origen fascinante que me...
de donde son los vikingos
Ragnar Lothbrok: The legend, the myth, the king!
Ragnar Lothbrok: His story
When it comes to legendary figures who blend myth, history and fiction, Ragnar Lothbrok...
espada romana
Gladiators, Attention! 5 Epic Movies You Must Watch BEFORE Gladiator 2
Gladius! 5 Epic Movies to Get You Ready for Gladiator 2
Legions of moviegoers, unite! Anticipation for Gladiator ...
blog historia
Reveal the Mystery: How Was the Legendary "Trick or Treat" Born?
Have you ever wondered why, every October 31st, millions of children parade through the streets dressed as zombies, w...
espada medieval
Bohurt: The Art of Medieval Sports Combat
The fascinating world of medieval combat is experiencing an unexpected revival, both in popular culture and in conta...
Napoleon: Genius or Tyrant
Napoleon: Genius or Tyranny?
History is full of characters who have left their mark, but few inspire as much fear ...