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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is, on the one hand, an interesting return to the RPG of those years but with totally renewed visuals and gameplay adapted to the new times, so that we can enjoy the action that this saga embodies.

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We will find a renewed and incredible artistic quality, as well as a large number of references to the original, all framed in a huge size typical of an open world game with a map full of possibilities and adventures.

In some ways, this will be one of the most content-packed titles in the Final Fantasy series, the size of the open areas is certainly notable, and most importantly (where some games tend to fail) they are not empty areas. They are there for a reason, each including a large number of different types of quests , items to complete, protomattery searches, and much more. Each type of quest will bring a series of rewards, and even the exploration of the areas itself brings benefits to the player.

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On the other hand, although the game provides freedom and dynamism , we will have certain "mini-helps" to find certain points and that it does not become an unplayable chaos and does not stop being fun without losing that feeling of freedom.

We will also have the opportunity to interact with the NPCs of each area, the citizens, etc. and gradually learn the history of the different places we visit, throughout our missions, which adds an extra bit of interest.

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The combat mode features a mix of real-time and turn-based combat , so we don't sacrifice the spirit of the series, but we can't just go around aimlessly throwing swords at each other. Plan ahead and don't rest on your laurels.

Don't forget that this is the world of Final Fantasy, so the details are guaranteed . Throughout the game there will be fun little mini-games , which without taking us away from the plot, will surely make more than one person laugh, and some are not as short as you might think.
We will also have dungeons at our disposal, and of course the scenarios stand out for their beauty and composition.

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This game features both previous and new mechanics , a careful structure and dreamlike environments.
You'll love exploring, fighting, completing quests, and most importantly, understanding every part of the game.

Definitely one of the most anticipated games of the moment, and with good reason. Enjoy!

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