Bugei Jūhappan. Disciplina marcial en Japón. Ninja Jūhakkei
blog katana

Bugei Jūhappan. Martial discipline in Japan. Ninja Jūhakkei

Welcome to a new article from Espadas Y Más. Today will be a very direct but also very informative post. We want to ...
Los Tengu. Folclore y leyendas de Japón. Yokai.
artes marciales

The Tengu. Folklore and legends of Japan. Yokai.

Welcome to a new blog from Espadas Y Más! Today we will talk about the mythological and interesting figure of the TEN...
El Alma de Japón Forjada en Acero: El Origen de la Katana

The Soul of Japan Forged in Steel: The Origin of the Katana

The Japanese katana is much more than just a sword; it is a symbol of Japan's craftsmanship and deep spiritual conne...