Bugei Jūhappan. Disciplina marcial en Japón. Ninja Jūhakkei
blog katana

Bugei Jūhappan. Martial discipline in Japan. Ninja Jūhakkei

Welcome to a new article from Espadas Y Más. Today will be a very direct but also very informative post. We want to ...
Los Tengu. Folclore y leyendas de Japón. Yokai.
artes marciales

The Tengu. Folklore and legends of Japan. Yokai.

Welcome to a new blog from Espadas Y Más! Today we will talk about the mythological and interesting figure of the TEN...
Sobre Ninjas, shinobis, ninjutsu e historia de Japón

About Ninjas, shinobis, ninjutsu and the history of Japan

The history of Japan. That magical country that calls to many of us, whether we are martial artists, fans of anime, ...
El Alma de Japón Forjada en Acero: El Origen de la Katana

The Soul of Japan Forged in Steel: The Origin of the Katana

The Japanese katana is much more than just a sword; it is a symbol of Japan's craftsmanship and deep spiritual conne...