Airsoft vs Aire Comprimido 4,5mm. ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre cada una?

Airsoft vs Compressed Air 4.5mm. What are the differences between each?

The world of sport and recreational shooting is full of options, and two of the most popular are airsoft replicas and 4.5mm compressed air guns. Although at first glance they may seem similar, the truth is that there are important differences that you should take into account before choosing one. In our blog we tell you the differences between airsoft and compressed air:

Check out our air rifles!

Similarities between airsoft and compressed air:

-Projectiles : Both platforms fire projectiles, although of a different nature. The airsoft replicas fire 6mm biodegradable plastic balls, while the compressed air weapons fire 4.5mm metal pellets.

-Applications : Both airsoft replicas and compressed air guns can be used for target shooting or to enjoy simulation games in exciting scenarios.

-Skill: Both options require some skill and precision to hit the target, making them challenging and rewarding activities.

Check out our airsoft replicas!

Differences between airsoft vs compressed air:

-Power: Compressed air guns generally have greater power than airsoft replicas, which translates into greater speed and range of the projectile.

-Realism : Airsoft replicas are characterized by their great realism, both in aesthetics and operation, faithfully replicating real firearms.

-Safety: Air guns, when firing metal projectiles, require greater caution and safety measures to avoid injuries.

Electric airsoft replicas

-Cost : Airsoft replicas, especially high-end ones, can be more expensive than airsoft guns.

-Community: Airsoft has a vibrant and organized community, with events and tournaments around the world.

Compressed air guns

Legislation : Legislation on airsoft replicas and 4.5mm airsoft guns varies from country to country. In some countries, airsoft replicas are considered toys and do not require a license (in Spain they are considered 4th category weapons) , while airsoft guns do.

Airsoft or Compressed Air? The final decision:

The choice between airsoft and compressed air will depend on your preferences and objectives (in future articles we will also discuss the differences between airsoft and paintball)

-If you are looking for realism, fast-paced action and a passionate community, airsoft is your best option.

-If you prefer a quieter experience, precise target shooting or are looking for an economical alternative, compressed air will be more suitable for you.

Airsoft and professional equipment


It is always important to follow safety rules when using any type of weapon.
Research the laws in your country before purchasing an airsoft replica or airsoft gun.
Choose the option that best suits your needs and preferences.

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