5 tips for the proper maintenance of your Katana!
Welcome to this article on the Espadas Y Más blog. Today, knowing that many of you have purchased katanas in our stor...
The best products and offers. EspadasYMás
Discover the best items in our shop ! From samurai katanas to medieval swords, we explore the most coveted products ...
Features of a Functional Japanese Katana! The Best Buying Guide!
The katana , that legendary Japanese sword, is not only a symbol of power and beauty, but also a formidable tool in t...
artes marciales
The Way of the Warrior. Miyamoto Mushashi. The Book of Five Rings
In the vast landscape of Japanese history, one singular figure stands out whose legacy has stood the test of time: Mi...
What types of katana exist?
Katanas are undoubtedly some of the most iconic and recognizable swords in the world. Their elegant design and rich ...
Are there fake katanas? Are they just reproductions?
Japanese katanas, with their historical legacy and status as masterpieces of forging, attract the admiration of colle...