What is a wakizashi?

It is a Japanese sword with a short blade, usually less than 60 cm in length. The term can be translated as "side sword" or "secondary sword". They are usually forged in the same style as katana and tachi.


These types of weapons were intended for use indoors and on foot rather than on horseback. They began to appear in the Sengoku period (ca. 1467 - 1573), when they were carried by both foot soldiers and officers, especially buke, who needed swords that were easy to conceal. After the Muromachi period (1333-1573), samurai increasingly preferred them to katanas due to their size and comfort.

Where to buy a functional wakizashi?

At Espadas y Más we have a wide variety of styles, all of them functional, which due to their carbon steel composition give them great flexibility as well as being very sharp.