Among the most sought after on the market are those shaped like a sword, as they are ideal for decorating an office or simply for collection, in most cases these tend to be historical medieval swords.
They are utensils in the shape of mini-swords, all of them are replicas of historical swords and also of movie swords.
About movies and series
We also have mini-swords for sale, which are replicas of swords used in movies or series, such as some of the following best-selling products in our catalog.
From Game of Thrones
They are highly sought after and valued by collectors and fans of the genre in general and the series in particular. In the collection we can find everything from the Ice Sword to the Claw or the Needle Sword.
Gryffindor sword Harry Potter
At Espadas y Más we have a model identical to the famous Gryffindor sword from Harry Potter, valued as a collector's item by fans of the saga.