In this article we will explore the best curiosities about the Vikings. Dive into our Swords and More blog and learn the most incredible details about these Nordic warriors.
Meaning of "Viking" : The word "Viking" translates to "pirate raider," reflecting a reputation for raiding and plundering, so it was a job!
Viking Polytheism : Traditionally and prior to Christianization, the Vikings, like the rest of the peoples of Europe, were previously pagans and believed in various gods such as the Aesir and the Vanir, including Odin, Thor and Freya.
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Viking Farmers : Contrary to the common image, many Vikings were farmers and ranchers, valuing their farms and working them hard until the time came to raid.
Warriors and Sailors : The Vikings were Scandinavian warriors and sailors who not only raided, but also traded, explored, and settled in different regions.
No Horns on Helmets : Contrary to popular stereotype, Viking warriors did not wear horns on their helmets during battles.
Navigation without a Compass : On their voyages, the Vikings ventured out to sea without compasses, using astrolabes and the position of the sun to navigate.
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Participation of Nordic Women : Nordic women had diverse roles, including property management, trading, and in some cases, participation in raids.
Well-groomed Personal Appearance : Despite their "barbarian" image, Vikings cared about their personal appearance and were less dirty than one might think.
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