¡5 consejos para el correcto mantenimiento de tu Katana!

5 tips for the proper maintenance of your Katana!

Welcome to this article on the Espadas Y Más blog. Today, knowing that many of you have purchased katanas in our stor...
Los mejores productos y ofertas. EspadasYMás

The best products and offers. EspadasYMás

Discover the best items in our shop ! From samurai katanas to medieval swords, we explore the most coveted products ...
¡Características Katana japonesa funcional! ¡La mejor guía de compra!

Features of a Functional Japanese Katana! The Best Buying Guide!

The katana , that legendary Japanese sword, is not only a symbol of power and beauty, but also a formidable tool in t...
Descubriendo el SOFTCOMBAT

Discovering SOFTCOMBAT

Are you ready to enter an epic battle without the risk of losing an eye? Then get ready to enter the exciting world ...
Combates medievales en el SIGLO XXI. Un Viaje al Pasado de Acero y Honor

Medieval combat in the 21st century. A journey to the past of steel and honor

Medieval combat reenactment is a fascinating journey into the past, where swordsmanship and knightly honour intertwi...
¡El Arco: Una Historia de Flechas y Destreza!

The Bow: A Story of Arrows and Skill!

Greetings, archery lovers and curious knowledge seekers! Today at EspadasYMás we dive into the wonderful universe of ...