Current affairs and miscellany

Kimetsu No Yaiba. Heading to the Training of the Pillars. PREMIERE, CINEMAS TO WATCH THE PREMIERE AND DISCOUNTS
Welcome to a new article from Espadas Y Más. Today we will tell you about the premiere of the new and long-awaited K...

Hogwarts Legacy, HBO series launch and reasons to buy it
Welcome to another article from Espadas Y Más. Today we will talk about Hogwarts Legacy . This spectacular video game...

From Imbolc and Lupercalia to Valentine's Day: History and Offers!
Hello everyone! In this blog of EspadasYMás, we embark on a fascinating journey through time to discover the origins...

Cinema Day 2024! Popcorn and fun
Cinema Day 2024! Popcorn and fun
What could be more exciting than immersing yourself in the unique atmosphere of a...